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Can't you see I look so tired??? Or... sexy??? =D

The SWOT VAC week is almost over...
Exam is coming very very soon... (I can even hear its footsteps O_O")
All I want to say is:


Well, actually that's not the only thing I want to say. I want to say more than that (mostly craps, so you'd better run if I start opening my mouth). I even act like I'm sleep-talking. Sometimes I laugh alone in my room, as if I'm insane or something (which made the cat - Socks - jumped and ran out of my room).. It must have sounded scary to him... Haizzz, what happened to me laa? My frens call dat pre-exam moment. Well, honestly I'm afraid after the exam, I will be crazier than that =="

So anyway, nothing special happened this week, except for today I called "someone" twice, I had a question in my mind, but dunno why when I hear "that person's" voice, I started crapping and TOTALLY forgot what I wanna ask, TWICE!!!! Something is really wrong with me...

Amazingly, this week I didn't go to IES at all. And that means I didn't ask any stupid questions at all. I'm such a good girl, staying at home everyday.. OK I lie, not everyday.. Just went shopping yesterday.. But anyway, I'm behaving very well.. C'mon, say something nice to me =)..

I bought a new set of bed sheet, quilter cover and pillow case yesterday.. I'm so satisfied, nyehehehehe!!!!! Lemme show you why...

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It's pink!!!!

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There are skulls also!!!!

Oh hoo hoo~ I like 'em so much!!!! I even have sweet sweet dreams lately. I once dreamt that I was dating with my Economics text book, wtf!!! ==" And we both went out to watch movie, ate pop corns, had dinner together, and suddenly "he" proposed to me :" Will you.... wake up and study Economics now???" *cough hard*.. Ok, I lie again, that was a night mare!!! =="

Next topic, have you seen my housemate before??? (==") Lemme introduce to you my Japanese housemate. She's single and available (?), perhaps, lemme ask her about that later ya~.. She's doing social working, you know, something like helping people after disasters or even poor people, maybe charity work, bla bla bla... She's 20 something, almost finish university.. Her name is Yukari, just call her Yuka, don't call Yuki (means "snow") cuz she doesn't like it when people use wrong names to call her =="

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Mafia Yuka!!! Just kidding, she was cutting onion =="

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And then it was me trying to "kacau" her =="

OMG!!! I looked soooo fat, fat, fat!!!! >.<"

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Sry, my camwhoring habbit =="

And then Yuka and I started talking about Japanese stuffs. We always talk about Japanese stuffs, just because I'm so into it and yea I bet I am so annoying because I just keep asking questions. The topic on that day was Harajuku. And she told me about crepe. OMG!!! It sounded really yummy~ you know.. I almost drooled in front of her ==".. And luckily there's one "Japanese style" crepe shop in somewhere near the city.. Yuka passed by that shop a few days ago and she took the pic for me... It looks like this:

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I MUST eat crepe after exam. THIS IS A MUST!!!!! >"<

Okay, if you're still not tired of my craps, then I may just go on.. Hehe!!! Next topic is about the fat and cute and handsome cat that visits my house lately. We named him Socks. We didn't simply name people/animal like that. There is a special reason. See it youself, won't ya? =D

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He is "wearing" socks!!!!!! Heehee~

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OMG!!! So cute la, I wanna bite his paws =D

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Prince Socks has waken up

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Looks so cute when he sleeps, esp. the paws!!!

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Gahhhh, the paws, the paws!!!! XD

I also enjoy cuddling him to sleep (he sleeps, not me ==")...

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Don't you wish you could be like Socks??? ^o^

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Look!!! He's almost as fat as me, hoho!!!!

To conclude this entry post.... Sorry la boss, I have to conclude already because I still need to study ahh~.. Come back after next week, esp. after 6th or 7th Dec, because I will have more craps to talk about at that time.. I need to go rape Economics, Business Management now.. How about Maths, English and Accounting??? They are just pieces of cake, hohoho!!! Just kidding la, I will have to study all and make sure I will get 7 for all of them!!! ALL OF THEM!!!! =="

Okay, where are we? To conclude this entry post, lemme show you the most special picture I took.. I was listening to music in the train one day, probably going to IES, I guess (?!).. And I saw this Asian couple, should be Indonesian or Malaysian or Filippino.. And what they were doing really "amazed" me!!! So I curi-curi took a pic of them la... Judge it yourself!!!!

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Wat the H.E.C.K were they doing??? O_O"

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